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  • michta3

A Visual of an Athletics Intern on Game Day

Photo Credits: Parker Sloan @parkersloanphotography

For my visual essay, the objective was to depict through my eyes what it’s like working on a typical football game day at Furman University instead of being a spectator. Simply, what life is like with an all-access media pass at a university. Though my job may seem like fun at times, but you must accomplish many tasks with the time constraint that is the speed of the clock counting down each quarter. Therefore, not a lot of people know the “breakdown” of the game, but a lot of work is put in when working for athletics on game day: pregame set up, during game festivities, and post-game clean up. On top of the physical work, producing content on social media is also a must as a marketing intern.

While I was compiling the photos for my visual essay presentation, I realized how many photos I take per game (over 600), and how I try to manage working for athletics and gathering content for the classes I’m taking revolving around a career in sports. I also learned how to change the filters in photoshop revolving around a specific color, and how to edit your photos so it looks flawless. Through time and effort to make the photos look good for the presentation, I learned that the hardest photos to edit were ‘depth of field’ shots because you really want to exhibit the focal point of the photo.

Photo Credits: Katie Faust

With my career, using all Adobe software is crucial into producing good content you post on social media and your portfolio for future goals, so I’m glad I got to learn more about new techniques I can use. However, this also rekindled my photography interest as a content creator, and I intend to photograph more games this season on top of working as a marketing intern.

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