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Digital Storytelling 

This is a combination of projects I completed in the Fall 2022 semester in a class called 'Digital Storytelling'. This class consisted of creating and editing short films, learning podcast techniques, composing blog articles, and implementing graphic design on social to prepare us for a media-related career field 

'The Importance of Role Models' is a public service announcement video I created to display the message that everyone should have a role model, and one day become someone's role model. With the help of Furman University's Head Men's Basketball Coach, Bob Richey, he discusses how much it means to him to be a role model to others.

'I am Voula: A Mini Documentary' tells the story of international student-athlete, Paraskevi Koilia, and her journey as an athlete moving to the United States to pursue a college career at Furman University. With an upsetting moment of battling a season-ending injury, Koilia discusses the adversity she faced and how that led her to be where she is today  

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